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Thank you!

By Rachel Garber
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Mercredi le 9 avril 2014

They save us tax money. Day in and day out, they give from their hearts and their guts. They save lives. They make our world a better place. Too often, they run their own health into the ground while sustaining others.

They're volunteers.

Volunteer work is big business, and it's serious business. (Yes, dear politicians, maybe even more serious than politics - which some say is largely entertainment.) Volunteer Canada cites an economist's study to illustrate how huge volunteering is. In 2010, more than 13.3 million people contributed 2.1 billion hours of volunteer work. That, my friends, is equivalent to 1.1 million full-time jobs, or 8 per cent of all the full-time jobs in Canada.

The 2012 average wage was $24 per hour. Doing the math, that puts the economic value of volunteering in Canada "in the ballpark of an astounding $50 billion each year," wrote the economist. "$50 billion represents a lot of value. It is too large to simply dismiss." In short, it's almost 3 per cent of the national economy.

That's at Volunteer Canada's website,

Now that we've established how huge volunteering is, we have a better idea of how enormous our burden of gratitude is. Now gratitude, other researchers say, is good for your health. Be truly grateful for three things a day, for two weeks, and the good health effects can last for six months. Imagine - just giving a sincere thank you is good for you.

And what a good fit this is - that's exactly how volunteers prefer to be remunerated, says Volunteer Canada. The majority say they prefer to hear how their work has made a difference. They'd like to be thanked in person, or on an on-going, informal basis. They actually prefer this to receiving an award or attending a banquet.

Our very own Centre d'action bénévole du Haut-Saint-François (CAB, volunteer action centre) is celebrating volunteers this very week of April 6 to 12. Along with other CABs in the Estrie and across Quebec, the centre wants to recognize the contribution of volunteers in all kinds of activities - home care services, caregivers, sports, culture and more.

So this week and every week, go ahead - break out a smile and just do it! If you meet a volunteer, just beam at them and say a sincere "thank you!" It'll make both of you feel good.

Spring Brunch

Reminder - the Eaton Corner Museum's annual Spring Brunch is at the Bulwer Community Centre on Sunday morning, April 13, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. They promise a mouth-watering breakfast and delectable goodies - all home made. Everyone is welcome. Bring the family. Spring or not, good food is good in any weather.

Good anxiety?

"Good anxiety, bad anxiety: Know the difference and when to get help." This is about feeling overwhelmed with anxiety, and beginning to understand how to handle it. It's a telephone workshop led by Dr. Luisa Cameli, psychologist. It's offered by AMI Quebec (Action on Mental Illnesss) through the Care-Ring Voice Network. It's free and it's in English. It's on Wednesday, April 16, at 7 p.m., for one hour.

You can easily listen in on it. Here are three different ways to do so. First, you can register to take part from your home by phone. Just go to and sign up to be a member - it's super easy and it's free. Then with one click, you can register for the tele-workshop.

Another way to participate is to join a small group at the Eaton Valley Community Learning Centre (CLC). That's at the Pope Memorial School, 523 Stokes St. in Bury. No registration necessary. All are welcome. Info: 819-872-3771 or

The third way is to join a small group at Mental Health Estrie at 257 Queen St., Office 900, in Lennoxville. Info: 819-565-3777 or

Herbalist's secrets

In French, it's called Les outils de l'herboristerie. Here's how to develop herbal products, and all about the cogs and sprockets needed to do so. It's a workshop with Chantal Parent. When? Saturday, April 19, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Where? At the Eaton Corner Museum. How much? $30. The workshop is presented in French, but some translation is available. To register: contact Chantal Bolduc at 819-889-3196 (evening) or at

Tough topics at CLC

The Eaton Valley CLC is offering two workshops about two tough topics on Wednesday, April 23. The first is on Obesity, by Dr. Ed Monaghan, the retired chief of Trauma Services at the Royal Victorial Hospital. He'll discuss different causes and different types of obesity, including obesity in children. How complex the issue is, and how a team approach is needed! This videoconference is at 1- 2:30 p.m.

So you have a mental illness, but you can still have a life, and a good one. That is the second tough topic. This videoconference is on the same day, but from 7 to 9 p.m. Moira Edwards, nurse and psychotherapist, will speak about coping skills, resilience and how to live well despite an illness.

The CLC specializes in lifelong learning, and is offering these workshops in cooperation with Learn Quebec. It's located at the Pope Memorial School, 523 Stokes St. in Bury. No registration necessary. All are welcome. Info: 819-872-3771 or

Flea Market

The Bury Women's Institute's annual Flea Market is to be on Saturday, April 26, in the Bury Armoury Community Centre, 563 Main Street, Bury. To rent a table, please call Frances at 819-872-3318 or Irma at 819-872-3600.

Church services

United: Holy Week/Easter services begin with a joint United/Anglican service on Maundy Thursday, April 17, at 6:30 p.m. at the Trinity United Church, 190 Principale St. West, Cookshire. Good Friday service is on April 18, at 7 p.m., at the Trinity United Church in Cookshire. The Easter Sunrise Service is on April 20, beginning at 5:45 a.m., at the Eaton Corner Lookout, followed by breakfast at the Sawyerville Manse. The Easter Communion Service is on April 20 at 10:30 a.m., at the Trinity United Church in Cookshire. Other weeks, Sunday services and Sunday school are at 9:30 a.m. in Cookshire, and at 11 a.m. in Sawyerville (listen to message at 819-889-2838, and leave a message, too).

Anglican: Sunday services are at 9:30 a.m. at the St. Paul's Church in Bury (with Sunday school for children) and 11 a.m. in Cookshire. Until April 13, the St. Peter's Anglican Sunday services in Cookshire will be in the Trinity United Church, 190 Principale St. West. A joint United/Anglican service is on Maundy Thursday, April 17, at 6:30 p.m. at the Trinity United Church, 190 Principale St. West, Cookshire (819-239-6902).

Baptist: In Sawyerville, the worship service is at 9 a.m. in French, and 11 a.m. in English. Sunday school is at 10 a.m. in English and French (819-239-8818).

Do you have news to share? Call 819-300-2374 or email by April 14 for publication April 23, and by April 28 for May 7.


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