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Other places have art tours. The lower Haut-Saint-François has an art trail - the Sentier artistique des Hauts-Boisés. It is planned for Thursday to Sunday, July 17 to 20, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. That's your window of opportunity to visit the various studios, meet the artists, hear about how they work, see their tools, and absorb their art in the very place it was created.

The tour is the brainchild of Denis Palmer of 1149 Route 210 in Randboro and Normand Gladu at 50 Clifton Road West in Saint-Isidore-de-Clifton. They are the returning artists on the trail - Denis with drawings and watercolour paintings, Normand with environmental and contemporary sculptures.

New this year are five other artists. Two are from Bury - Kristiina Sakai and Marilyn Findlay Salter, both with acrylic paintings, both at the United Cultural Center. A pair of "artisans of wood" called Bout du chemin/Tammy & Gilles are at 915 Leblanc Road in Cookshire-Eaton. David Nortcliffe and his oil paintings are at 511 Chute Road in Birchton. And Luc Pallegoix & Sylvain Dodier offer an intriguing menu of photography and poetry at 15 Principale Street in St-Isidore-de-Clifton.

A lush brochure lets you sample each artist's work in advance, and offers coordinates and a map so you can find them easily. Look for your Sentier artistique des Hauts-Boisés brochure at the Cookshire IGA, the Bury general store, and other pick-up points. Or give Denis Palmer a call at 819-889-2549. Happy trails!


Spread the good news - Meals on Wheels is back in Bury! It starts Tuesday July 15, offered by Julie Gervais from her restaurant at the Pen-y-Bryn Golf Club. It is arranged by the Centre d'action bénévole (Volunteer Action Centre). For $7.50, you get a hot meal, complete with soup and dessert, delivered to your door every Tuesday. Interested? Contact Rachel Garber at the CAB, at 819-560-8540 option 9 to register.


The Eaton Corner Museum invites you to its annual Hymn Sing at the old Congregational church in Eaton Corner - now sheltering the Museum's spanking new exhibition. The Hymn Sing is on Sunday July 20, at 2:30 p.m. Join Sharon Moore in singing Old Time Hymns accompanied by the Museum's harmonium. This year's theme is to honour the 100th and 70th anniversaries of World War I and World War II. No fee, free-will donation invited. Lemonade and cookies. Info: 819-875-5256, or visit


Visit Eaton Corner Museum on Sunday August 10 at 1 to 5 p.m. for its annual Old Fashioned Day. Demonstrations and displays of heritage crafts and skills. "Watch how to do things that our great-grandparents used to do such as quilting, wool spinning, weaving, needlepoint, chicken scratch embroidery, blacksmithing, timber frame construction, knife making, wood carving, basket making, and much more." says Jackie Hyman. See antique tools and machinery, sustainable gardening techniques, and the use of local medicinal plants. Horse and wagon rides, and other surprises. Admission $8; under age 12, $4. Info: 819-875-5256, or


A Tale of the Townships. The Eaton Corner Museum's new permanent exhibition is open Wednesday to Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., until mid-October. See, hear and read stories about life in Eaton Corner and surrounds, back to the first settlers from New England and from the British Isles. Entrance is $8 for adults, $6 seniors, and $4 children (maximum $20 per family). Info: 819-875-5256, or visit


The Brookbury Community Center is offering a summer-full of events that double as fundraisers and fun. . Fun Day is Saturday July 26 at 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. - games, prizes and food. The cost is small, and depends on how many activities you want to participate in. It's rain or shine. And on Saturday August 2 is a Bazaar/Flea Market. It's from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tables are available for rent for $10. The hall is also available for rent during the summer months, until the end of October. The fee is only $40/day for parties or other events. It is located at 571 Route 255 - about 10 kms north of Bury. Info: Brenda Bailey, 819-884-5984.


The Maranantha Motorcycle Club is an international non-denominational non-profit organization of bikers for Jesus. Some 40 of its motorcyclists are coming to the Sawyerville Baptist Church, 33 Cookshire Road, in Sawyerville. The occasion is a community mechoui on Saturday July 12, starting at 4 p.m. Ogle the bikes. Watch a chalk artist ply his art. Hear testimonies. Have supper at 6 p.m. Then Caro the singer of pop rock in the sixties tells her story. It's free. Info: 819-889-2819 or 819-239-8818.


And the Gideons are coming. The folks who distribute free Bibles in hotels will be offering free New Testaments around Sawyerville on Saturday July 19, in partnership with the Sawyerville Baptist Church. The Bibles are free. Info: 819-889-2819 or 819-239-8818.


Vacation Bible School is to be at the Cookshire Fairgrounds, July 14-18, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Ages 4-12. Info: Roberta Sylvester, 819-889-2608.


Anglican: On the first Sunday of the month, services are at St. Peter's in Cookshire. Second Sundays are at St. John's in Brookbury. Third Sundays are at St. Paul's in Bury. Fourth Sundays are at Christ Church in Canterbury. All services are at 10:30 a.m. Visitors are welcome (819-239-6902).

Baptist: In Sawyerville, the worship service is at 9 a.m. in French, and 11 a.m. in English. Sunday school is at 10 a.m. in English and French. The Children's Community Club (bilingual) meets Saturday July 19 and August 2, from 2 to 3:30 p.m., at 33 Cookshire St. (819-239-8818).

United: With new minister Tami Spires, Sunday service and Sunday school are at Bishopton on July 13; at Cookshire with Vacation Bible School on July 20; at East Clifton on July 27; at Brookbury on August 3; and at Cookshire on August 10. All services are at 10:30 a.m. (819-889-2838).

Do you have news to share? Call 819-300-2374 or email by August 4 for publication August 13 and by August 18 for August 27.


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