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By Rachel Garber
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An attitude of gratitude makes life a good thing. Religions have suggested this, and now psychologists prescribe it. Feeling grateful has a profound effect on the person who has the feeling. It's a way of lessening your stress and being blessed.

It really doesn't matter who you send your thanks to. Scatter them as seeds of good relationships among those around you. Send them off to the universe, to God or whatever higher power you imagine within yourself or off beyond the clouds. It's the gratitude that you feel within yourself that makes all the difference. Just really feel it. Just say thank you.

Happy Thanksgiving!


"What is Autism?" is the topic of a videoconference at the Eaton Valley Community Learning Centre on Wednesday, October 15, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Also called "Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)," it includes a complex range of symptoms that affect individuals lifelong, as well as their families, friends and caregivers. Studies show that signs of autism are usually present by age 3.

The speaker is Dr. Mandy Steiman, a clinical psychologist in the Autism program at the Montreal Children's Hospital. Her expertise is in the diagnostic assessment of ASD. She will speak and respond to questions about signs and symptoms of autism, causes and risk factors, questions to ask your doctor, and coping and support.

Participation is free. Just come to the CLC at the far end of the Pope Memorial School, 523 Stokes St., Bury. Info: Kim Fessenden, 819-872-3771, or


The Eaton Corner Museum is sponsoring a Musical Revue "Honouring our Veterans and War Brides in Melody and Song" on October 24 at 7 p.m. at the Bulwer Community Centre, Jordan Hill Road. The Revue will give homage to our soldiers, veterans and war brides.

Sharron Rothney of Eaton Corner created it, and Pamela Jouris is co-producing it. They're planning a show of various beloved singers and musicians, local actors and a variety of instruments. "Almost every song is going to be acted out," said Rothney. "Some will be based in Canada and, for example, we have a dance in London."

Among the musicians are Don Atkinson of Sawyerville on the harmonica. Janice Graham of Sawyerville on the piano. Peter Makey of Waterville and David McBurney of Sawyerville on guitars. Among the singers are Paulette Haseltine of Moe's River, Marlene Lowry of Sawyerville, and World War II Veteran Grant Taylor, singing "White Cliffs of Dover." Among other tunes are "I'll Be Seeing You," "I want to kiss Daddy goodnight," and "Bye-bye, Blackbird."

The entrance fee of $8 includes refreshments and will benefit the Museum. Those arriving in uniform will be admitted for free.


The creative volunteers at the Eaton Corner Museum are planning a winter that melds fundraising with historical/cultural activities. For example, the musical revue just mentioned. A spaghetti supper on November 22. And later this winter, a new play about a famous historical Sawyerville character - details to be revealed in due time.

And then there was "William Stone's Leg," last winter's play about the man who had the first major surgery using anaesthesia in Canada. The Museum made a DVD of the play, and still has some copies for sale. To buy one, stop by the Eaton Corner Academy, 375 Route 253. That's the winter headquarters of the Eaton Corner Museum. It is open Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Congregational Church - the main exhibit - is now closed for the winter.

The Museum's Foss House is still a beehive of activity. The current project is a long wheelchair ramp from the parking lot into the reception area. Students in the landscaping programme of the Centre de formation professionelle de Coaticook (CRIFA) are lined up to work on it, but the Museum is still looking for donations to help pay for the many materials that are needed. If you'd like to help, contact the Eaton Corner Museum at 819-875-5256 or


Don't miss the Harvest Festival put on by the Sawyerville Community Centre at the Hôtel-Auberge Sawyerville this coming Sunday. A free shuttle by horse and wagon is hot to trot between the hotel and the garden. A bike tour (bring your bike) starts at 9 a.m. Activities are planned for children. Entrance fee is $5. For more details, see the article published in this issue of the Journal, in both English and French.


Viactive exercise groups for seniors are going strong every Wednesday at 10 a.m. in Bury, Cookshire and Sawyerville. All are welcome to drop in, or attend regularly. Bilingual. No cost. Locations: Armoury Community Centre, 563 Main St., Bury; Manoir de l'eau vive, 210 Principale E., Cookshire; Sawyerville Community Centre, 6 Church Street. Info: 819-560-8540 (option 9) or

Baptist: In Sawyerville, the worship service is at 9 a.m. in French, and 11 a.m. in English. Sunday school is at 10 a.m. in English and French (819-239-8818).

United: Sunday worship is at Cookshire United at 9:30 a.m., and at Sawyerville United at 11 a.m. Info: 819-889-2838 (listen to message or leave one).

Anglican: Sunday services are in Bury, with Sunday school, at 9:30 a.m., and Cookshire at 11 a.m. (819-239-6902).

Do you have news to share? Call 819-300-2374 or email by October 13 for publication October 22 and by October 27 for November 5.


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