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Mercredi le 12 février 2014

Community garden

A community garden is coming to Sawyerville! That's a pleasant thought for a chilly February day. It's a chance to exchange knowledge and take part in workshops, to promote physical activity and intergenerational activities, and to participate in sustainable development - recycling, composting, for example. And of course, to plant and harvest local fruits and vegetables. A community garden can be a place of beauty, a place of creativity, and a place to meet new people with shared interests.

The founding general assembly of the Sawyerville Community Garden is planned for Wednesday, February 19, at 7 p.m. The guest speaker is Jessica Hyman, who specializes in the management of community gardens. The provisional committee will present details of the project so far, and propose a future path. After a discussion period, an administrative council will be elected. Everyone is welcome to come and share ideas, skills and knowledge. Info (evenings): Chantal Bolduc at 819-889-3196 or Jennifer McMullin at 819-889-2480.

Handy an ox

Do you know how to "handy an ox"?

If so, Campbell McBurney would like to hear from you. In his diary in the late 1800s, his ancestor Joseph "Sheepskin Joe" Taylor Jr. wrote about handying an ox. Campbell says Joe's son Simeon was the last person he knew of who used oxen on the farm. Surely they knew how, but they're not so handy to ask. Let me know, please, at 819-300-2374.


Do you live in Bury, Cookshire or Sawyerville? Are you interested in having a hot meal complete with soup and dessert delivered to your door? For $7.50, once a week? If so, maybe Meals on Wheels is for you. It's a service arranged by the Centre d'action bénévole (Volunteer Action Centre), and offered by local restaurants. If you'd like more information, please contact Rachel Garber at the CAB, at 819-560-8540 option 9.

William Stone's leg

This weekend! A new historical play by Maureen Lowry about the first man in Canada to have his leg amputated while using anesthesia. Will Stone had a memorable leg - and life. Performances at the Sawyerville Community Centre on Saturday are sold out. By popular demand, a third show is planned for Sunday, February 15, at 7:30 p.m. Admission is $8, and proceeds help support the Eaton Corner Museum. Space is limited, so reserve tickets now. Call Pat at 819-875-3182.


Island Brook is coming alive with fire and friendship on Valentine's evening, Friday, February 14, at 7 p.m. The new Newport 4 Horizons Recreational Committee invites one and all, young and old, singles and families, to join an evening walk by torchlight. The procession leaves the Newport Town Hall on Route 212 at 7 p.m. and returns about an hour later for hot chocolate, indoors. It's okay to just come for the refreshments, too. It's free. It's fun. Info: 819-875-3895 or 819-366-2028.

Who cares?

Who cares for the caregivers? That's the topic of a free interactive health education videoconference. It's about the experience of unpaid caregivers. They make important contributions, both economically and socially, but often at the expense of their own health and well-being. It's on Wednesday, February 19, at 10 a.m. to noon, at the Eaton Valley Community Learning Centre (CLC). That's at the Pope Memorial School, 523 Stokes St. in Bury. Info: 819-872-3771 or


Getting started in Fundraising is a two-part videoconference workshop with Kim Klein. Part 1 - the basic elements for raising money, and how to create a fundraising plan, is on Thursday, February 20, at 1- 3 p.m. Part 2 will be on March 13. To participate, plan to attend both sessions - they're free, and at the Eaton Valley CLC, 523 Stokes St., Bury. Info: 819-872-3771 or

Wills & estates

A videoconference by Educaloi will explain what kinds of wills are valid, how to change a will, and the impact of not having a will. The workshop will also cover the steps in settling someone's affairs after death. It's planned for Wednesday, February 26, at 7 - 9 p.m. It is free, and is at the Eaton Valley CLC, 523 Stokes St., Bury. Info: 819-872-3771 or

Church services

United: Sunday services and Sunday school are at 9:30 a.m. in Cookshire, and at 11 a.m. in Sawyerville (listen to message at 819-889-2838, and leave a message).

Anglican : Sunday services are at 9:30 a.m. at the St. Paul's Church in Bury (with Sunday school for children) and 11 a.m. in Cookshire. Until April 13, the St. Peter's Anglican Sunday services in Cookshire will be in the Trinity United Church, 190 Principale St. West (819-239-6902).

Baptist : In Sawyerville, the worship service is at 9 a.m. in French, and 11 a.m. in English. Sunday school is at 10 a.m. in English and French (819-239-8818).

Do you have news to share? Call 819-300-2374 or email by February 17 for publication February 26 and by March 3 for March 12.


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