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art x 2 in Bury

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Not just one, but two art shows in Bury are this Saturday, September 12, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. They both feature paintings in diverse media, with some drawings or photos. They both highlight local talent, some amateur and some professional. Entrance to both is free, for the public as well as the artists; neither show is juried. In short, they’re a two-pronged art fest, practically across the street from each other. Common mortals will get to meet the artists-exhibitors, and the artists get to meet each other, too.

A dozen years ago there began an annual art show at the United Cultural Center of Bury at 560 Main Street. Bury resident Shelly Jacklin and artist Lucille Duhaime organized the first one together, and are still deeply involved. “I had the spot, and she had the contacts,” said Jacklin.

This year the show has some 10 artists exhibiting. The Cultural Centre is a good place to hang out around lunchtime, when soup, sandwiches, muffins and coffee can be had for a small fee.

Then there is the Bury Art Show at the Armoury Community Centre, 563 Main Street. This is its third year. Artist Martine Brault and Kim Fessenden of the Eaton Valley Community Learning Centre (CLC) are organizing it, and 12 or more artists are exhibiting, many from the Lennoxville Art Group.

“We try to encourage students to participate,” said Fessenden. “Last year we had Pope Memorial students, but this year we’re reaching out to secondary age students, too.” They’ve partnered with Townshippers’ Association to create a contest for students. The judging will take place during the show, and the winners will be announced. Info: 819-972-3771 (Kim Fessenden).

Visitors can also enter a drawing to win a painting by Martine Brault. All are welcome!


The gigantic garage sale lives again at the Trinity United Church at 190 Principale West, Cookshire. Donations are accepted until September 10. The sale itself is on Saturday and Sunday, September 26 and 27, and again on Saturday, October 3. On Sunday, October 4, is the gigantic Bag Sale. Saturday times are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and on Sundays, the sale closes at 4 p.m.


Myrna MacDonald offers a Yoga Light course at Sawyerville Community Centre, 6 Church Street. The 10-week session starts on Tuesday, September 15, at 10 to 11 a.m. Info: 819-875-5393, or


School has started but the Sawyerville Community Garden’s public market is still going strong. “It’s small and beautiful,” says Chantal Bolduc. But then, small IS beautiful, not? The market is at the garden itself, Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.


The final market of the season is planned to coincide with the Harvest Festival on Saturday, September 26. Check the next issue of the Journal Le Haut-Saint-François for information about the program. If you’d like to participate in preparing for the Festival, contact Chantal at, or Jennifer at


Carole Vincelette in concert! With her pianist Ali Labelle. “The show will be full of classics, both in English and in French. I’ll also sing several of my own compositions,” she said. It’s a spectacle intime – an intimate show – the evening following the Harvest Festival on Saturday, September 26. Both events are at the Sawyerville Hotel, 18 Principale Street. Concert tickets are on sale now at the Hotel. They are $10 each.


Viactive groups offer “adults only” exercises, for people age 50 or over. They’re fun, they’re free, and they’re easy on the knees. They’re led by volunteers who are trained by a kinesiologist from the non-profit group, Sercovie, in Sherbrooke. Here are the four bilingual groups that are starting up again soon. All are welcome!

Bury. Irma Chapman and June Morrison welcome you Wednesdays from 9:45 to 11 a.m. at the Armoury Community Centre, 563 Main Street. First session: September 23. Info: 819-872-3600 or 819-872-3736.

Cookshire. Serena Wintle and Lyne Maisonneuve lead this group on Wednesdays from 10 to 11 a.m., at the Manoir de l’Eau vive, 210 Principale East. First session: September 16. Info: 819-875-5210.

Newport. Ruth Shipman and Christiane Côté invite you to the Viactive group at the Municipal Hall, 1452 Route 212, in Island Brook. It’s on Wednesdays, at 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., beginning September 16. Info: 819-560-8565.

Sawyerville. Denise Nault and Gérard Nault guide participants at the Sawyerville Community Centre, 6 Church Street, on Wednesdays at 10 to 11 a.m. First session: September 23. Info: 819-889-2630.


Newport’s walking club welcomes newcomers. It’s every Tuesday and Thursday at 2 p.m., beginning at the parking lot of the Municipal Hall at 1452 Route 212 in Island Brook. It’s free. Info: 819-875-3895.


The Newport 4 Horizons committee invites you to a Discovery Walk on Friday, September 11, at 1:30 p.m. Meet at the intersection of Route 210 and the 10th Range – in the heart of “downtown” Maple Leaf, just one kilometre south of the Maple Leaf Cemetery. The discovery: The Clifton River Cascade, and a few other special gems along the way. The “walk” will be partly by car, partly on foot, for about an hour and a half total. And the guide will be local resident Guy Gagnon. Info: 819-875-3895.


United: Sunday services are at 9:30 a.m. in Cookshire and 11 a.m. in Sawyerville. Info: 819-889-2838 (Friday recordings give the time and place of services).

Anglican: Sunday services are at 9:30 a.m. at St. Paul’s in Bury and at 11 a.m. at St. Peter’s in Cookshire. The de-consecration service of the Christ Church, Canterbury, is planned for Saturday, September 26, at 11 a.m. Info: 819-239-6902.

Baptist: In Sawyerville, the worship service is at 9 a.m. in French, and 11 a.m. in English. Sunday school is at 10 a.m. in English and French. Info: 819-239-8818.

Do you have news to share? Call 819-300-2374 or email by September 14 for publication September 23 and by September 28 for October 7.


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