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Busy Baptists

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This summer in Sawyerville seems to belong to the Baptists. At least, it is shaping up to be busy for the Sawyerville Baptist Church.

A missionary conference is May 9 to 11. Singing evangelist Ed Sealy comes on June 10. Vacation Bible School is June 23-22, with a team from South Carolina and soccer camp behind the Sawyerville School. A community mechoui with the Maranantha Motorcycle Club is planned for July 12. And sometime in there, the Gideons are coming to town - those people who put Bibles in hotel rooms.

Missionary conference

The Sawyerville Baptist Church at 33 Cookshire St., Sawyerville, plans a Misssionary Conference on May 9 to 11. On Friday at 7 p.m. is a concert by the remarkable 85-year-old Dr. John Moore. He has written more than 160 songs, and he'll be speaking, singing and playing piano, keyboard and concertina. "My Songs and Their Stories" is the title of his presentation. Dr. Moore is an engineer by training and a preacher by calling. His career spans almost 70 years. He started his ministry in Scotland, led evangelistic crusades all around the world, and now lives in Ontario.

On Saturday at 8 a.m. is a Breakfast of Hope at Le Craig Restaurant in Cookshire, featuring Dr. Moore. The same day at 2 p.m. is the Children's Community Club with free bilingual activities for ages 6 to 12. At 5 p.m. is a bilingual supper in the church basement. And at 7 p.m. is a program with singing and reports from various missionaries.

On Sunday at 9 a.m. is a service in French. Dr. Moore will speak and Pastor Michel Houle will translate. At 11 a.m. is a service in English. Dr. Moore will offer music and a message on missions. Info: Pastor Houle at 819-239-8818.

Hymn Sing

May 9 is the deadline to sponsor a hymn in memory of a loved one, at the Gospel Memorial Hymn Sing with the United Eaton Valley Pastoral Charge. The size of the donation is up to you. Ask any member of the Cookshire, Bishopton or Sawyerville United churches for information and the request form to fill out. Donation, hymn choice and completed form are due back at the UEVPC Office, 42 Principale N., Sawyerville, QC J0B 3A0, by this Friday. That's so the names of your loved ones can be included in the service bulletin.

Sunday, May 25 is the date of the Hymn Sing itself, at 10:30 a.m., at the Trinity United Church in Cookshire. Guest musicians will be there, and so will refreshments. Info: 819-889-2838.

I gotta go!

That's about all most people will say about their urinary incontinence, so distressing and embarrassing it is. Unexpected leaking or poor bladder control is rife, according to the Canadian Continence Foundation. It's a problem for 16 per cent of men and 33 per cent of women over the age of 40. But few people talk to their doctor about it.

And now to tell us what we're afraid to ask about, here is a physiotherapist, Myra Siminovitch. She will be speaking via a videoconference at the Eaton Valley Community Learning Centre on Wednesday, May 14, at 10 a.m. That's at the far end of the Pope Memorial School, 523 Stokes St. in Bury. No registration is necessary. All are welcome.

The talk has a catchy title - "Gotta Go, Gotta Go: Better Bladder Control." The speaker will give a 45-minute presentation about different types of urinary incontinence and their symptoms and causes. She'll also talk about treatment options - diet, exercises, medications, useful products and surgery.

Siminovitch is a physiotherapist in private practice. She specializes in the treatment of urinary incontinence in men and women of all ages. She will answer questions - if we're not afraid to ask. She says it is possible to regain bladder control.

This videoconference is part of the Community Health Education Program (CHEP) of the Community Health & Social Services Network. For information about CHEP, see For information about this event, contact 819-872-3771 or

Garage sale

Furniture, books, kitchen accessories, bedding, toys, decorations and more - a big garage sale on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 16-18, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. It's at 185 Saint-Jacques Street, East Angus, near the Caisse Desjardins. All profits go to the Saint-Louis-de-France Church at 166 Saint-Jean E. Info: Marie Aubin Roy, 819-832-2589 or André Nadeau, 819-832-2315.

Newport Garden day

The Loisirs 4 Horizons of Newport plans a Horticultural Day in Island Brook on Saturday, May 17, 9 a.m. to noon. Exchange plants, seeds and information. To reserve a table, call 819-875-3895 or 819-889-1318. For more information, see the notice in today's Journal.

Cards in bury

The Bury United Cultural Center is planning their annual 500 card parties on Monday afternoons at 2 p.m. on May 26, June 2 and June 9. The bursary card party will be a Military Whist on June 16. Contact people for the Military Whist are June Morrison at 819-872-3736 and Grayce Betts at 819-832-1083.

Church Services

United: Sunday services and Sunday school are in Cookshire at 9:30 a.m., and in Sawyerville at 11 a.m. (listen to message at 819-889-2838, and leave a message, too).

Anglican: Sunday services are at 9:30 a.m. at the St. Paul's Church in Bury (with Sunday school for children) and 11 a.m. in Cookshire (819-239-6902).

Baptist: In Sawyerville, on May 11 the worship service is at 9 a.m. in French, and 11 a.m. in English. Sunday school is at 10 a.m. in English and French. On May 18, the worship service is at 10:30 a.m. It will be bilingual, and Paul Mackay, formerly of Randboro, will share some musical numbers. The Children's Community Club meets Saturday, May 10 and 24, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. (819-239-8818).

Do you have news to share? Call 819-300-2374 or email by May 12 for publication May 21, and May 26 for June 4.


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